School Life Case Study Langford Village Primary


Langford Village Community Primary School is a two form entry school with over 400 pupils and we are just entering our fifth year using the School Life platform to communicate with our parents.

Going to a completely paperless way of communicating with parents seemed like a vision that could not possibly be achieved, this is absolutely not the case!  We communicate with our parents electronically via the School Life app and any permissions which are needed for trips/events etc are submitted to school electronically also.  Our paper correspondence is zero.

The School Life team have supported our school from the beginning, starting with the updating of our website and getting the process of setting School Life up and running.  The support at this early stage and now three years on is amazing and someone is always there to help.

Langford Village School uses all of the applications available which cover a wide area of day to day communication with our parents, these include: 

  • Push notifications (messages up to 500 characters)
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Homework
  • Blogging (for school trips)
  • Parents evenings
  • Calendar
  • Governor elections
  • School performances
  • School trips
  • Sports activities
  • PTA events
  • School closure
  • After School Clubs
  • House Points


The system is simple to use and can be tailored to suit a school’s needs.  If a new application is required, you only have to talk to the School Life team and this becomes workable or is available in future updates.  Every suggestion is taken on board.

Our parents have all signed up to School Life and are very keen that they can deal with the communication process from school via their phones.   They can always refer back to information and are kept up to date with any changes.  The updates are instant or scheduled for a future date/time.

During the COVID-19 situation this year we have been able to deliver, in addition to the above, virtual teaching plans during ‘lockdown’ and continue to deliver a high volume of extremely important communications to our parents in a very challenging and ever changing environment. 

We would highly recommend School Life to any school wishing to make that change in the way you communicate with your parents.  School Life continues to grow with us as our needs change and develop.

Sam Scott

Office Manager/PA to Headteacher

Langford Village Community Primary School

Peregrine Way



OX26 6SX